31 Mar 2020


So much has changed in the last few months.
While the previous post was only issued a day or two ago it was written in early January during bushfires, drought, heat and smoke.
One of the problems experienced then was a run on the P2 particle masks.
Now at the end of March there's still a mask shortage but this time it's a dearth of surgical masks that is causing stress.
The novel corona virus spread causing the CoVID-19 outbreak has caused massive problems throughout the world since it was first detected in December around Wuhan in Hubei province in China.
About ten years ago I went to a presentation at my workplace by the then director of the immunology section. At that time the subject specifically was the H1N1 virus but one message was emphasised: the world was not prepared for a really severe spread of a highly contagious virus. 
Nothing seems to have changed except I'm now in the high risk cohort and there are three grandchildren I must consider.
Social restrictions have been increased. Shops other than supermarkets, pharmacies and others places deemed as essential are closed.
Outside gatherings are now limited to two people. Police (and I wouldn't do their job for quids) can issue on-the-spot fines or arrest if idiots contravene the rules. As expected most people grin and bear the impositions but there are always a few who flaunt the rules.
Australia is still, despite a tardiness from government to mobilise fully - a problem directly related to the outdated federal system - a better place to live than just about anywhere else. The US is rapidly becoming a CoVid-19: plague pit. Couple that fact with an ignorant, self-serving, narcissistic moron as president and Australia looks like Paradise by comparison.
On a personal level I'm grateful I retired in mid-December. Semi-quarantined as I am, only going outside to attend medical appointments, I'm fairly safe. I am concerned about family, ex-work colleagues and friends who are by necessity still moving around in the widercworld.
The future is always unknown but now you can't even make an accurate guess how things will be. 

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