12 Feb 2010

Post operative recovery

It's apparent that I wasn't taking this last operation that seriously. Despite being informed that it could be a four-hour long procedure for unknown reasons my brain dismissed this a 'a doddle' and I expected to be up and about, almost normal by now.
I should have realised that despite the urethroplasty process taking less that half the time it took for the HIPEC peritonectomy did in 2005 it was still a serious operation and recuperation would be slow.

I am still feeling physically tired - not as much as I did once home after the 2005 operation but I still need to rest properly. I deny my body the rest it needs when it wants it - so using today as an example: I was nodding immediately after lunch @ 14:00. Did I go for a rest? Of course not. I buggered around on the PC, watched TV and generally did the wrong thing until I couldn't stay awake by 17:00 and I went to bed for a rest and ended up sleeping for about 40 minutes. When I awoke around 18:00 I was feeling so much better.
Why I'm still buggering about on the PC at 23:30 - I cannot explain. I feel tired. So once this piece is finished - within 50 words - it's a small Milo then bed for me.

1 comment:

keepsmiling said...

Hope you feel good and have a fast recovery. I am planning to get this done in a month and would be thankful if you can write more about your post operative care. Thanks a ton for sharing and good luck.