20 Apr 2020

Things we do Three

I admit I'm not the most physically active of slobs. There are some valid reasons that prevent me from getting off my arse: dodgy knees, probably some arthritic degradation; the ulcer on the right big toe that flares up. Currently the wound is healing slowly. It was stable for months before U retired in mid-December, needing only a visit to podiatry each 4-6 weeks with occasional debridement of the inevitable callus but generally OK. Then due to sickness of the over-worked and always short-handed team at ACT Health podiatry and a longer than usual gap between checks and probably coinciding in a change to warmer weather and the ulcer broke down. That can lead quickly to infection. So it's been a longish period of increased frequency of checks at podiatry, additional visits to the prosthetic services who Al with my orthoses used in my shoes.
A long process of reviews, mods to orthotics, second and third opinions from other prosthetists, more mods to the orthotics then extra damage to the tops of both feet. This was likely caused by the modifications to the orthotics, increasing their thickness creating pressure on the tops of the feet. These new danaged areas needing more dressings applied and several weeks before the damage resolved. More reviews. Further mods to the mods to the orthottics, reducing their thickness and a different method of lacing my shoes.
So now both feet are recovering and the toe is improving which has allowed me freedom to become more physically active but the pandemic restrictions have meant I'm playing the cautious game and staying at home more. As I can only engage in short walks due to the state of the toe I've worked out that by walking from one side of the house to the other with a walk to the rear garage and back to the start point repeated fifteen times works out about a 25 minutes, 2Km and about right for my foot just now.
So I'm off for a stroll

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