17 Aug 2020

Day to day

The last couple of days have been life's usual mixture of good, middling and less good. Fortunately with little of the latter.
Saturday was a cold damp day: showers regular although never heavy but making washing clothes just about pointless.
As an aside thought - my pre-retirement schedule is obviously deeply engrained with laundry work starting on Friday.
.An insurance assessor came around after lunch to look over the obvious damage caused by last week's much heavier rain and subsequent roof leak. Since some "make safe" repairs to the roof done earlier in the week, and of course less stormy weather, there had been no more ingress of water. The assessor took some video and still pictures of the bedroom; did some measurements and what seemed a thorough external roof inspection.
Sunday was a busy day with the twins 1st birthday family gathering starting around 10:30. 

Despite the celebrations being restricted to immediate family it was the still the largest congregation we'd been in since Roger's wake, with a total 20 people, adults, teens, toddlers and two babies. It sounded and seemed hectic after weeks of minimal socialising. 
We get accustomed to the frequently changing new normal very quickly

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