15 Aug 2020

Ups and downs

It's now mid-August and 2020 continues to be challenging for various reasons, some with only tenuousnor indirect links to me.

A couple of deaths following the death of our frien Roger in late May: the father of a close friend died, not totally unexpectedly; he was 90-ish, frail and with dementia but it occurred relatively quickly following a fall meaning our friend had to get herself to north Queensland as fast as she could. Fortunately she got home in time to say her goodbyes and her dad went oeacefully. 
On the same day the mother of a friend and former colleague of my wife died after a long illness. Accidents and emergencies also seem to come along unexpectedly: another former work colleague of my wife suffered a burst cerebral aneurysm and her initial prognosis sounded dire but a few days later after some trepanning and rummaging the patient emailed my wife and apologises for stuffing up the dinner she was due to attend with my wife and a mutual friend. At the time of writing the patient is home recovering with multiple staple marks on her head!
Then two nights ago I got a message from a firmer work colleague and cricket team mate +we last played together about 40 years ago) with the distressing news that a mutual team mate & colleague had fallen from a ladder on to his garage floor and is currently in hospital under sedation and paralysed from the neck down. At this early stage, after some surgery last week, the prognosis is looking very ordinary. In addition, under the current CoViD-19 environment, the patient has a respiratory infection.
Fortunately these sad events are counterbalanced by happy occasions such as spending time with friends and family. 
Last night while I was having dinner with some of "The Boys" former work colleagues at our favourite Thai restaurant my wife had dinner with friends and neighbours at our local little eatery.
Tomorrow ís the 1st birthday of our twin grandsons. We'll join son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter with a family get-together. Currently the pandemic restrictions have been sufficiently relaxed to allow this to happen.

Life goes on and we all look forward to joyous occasions like this.

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