23 Apr 2020

A touch of the Covids

This is ridiculous.
I've basically been quarantined since the pandemic started; living with my wife, my daughter and her Dachshund. 
I've seen a physio for three or four sessions over the last three months and by necessity he's been physically close when working on my left shoulder.
I've seen my GP twice including last week for the annual flu vaccination but that visit was a quickie: only 45 seconds from walking in to walking into the car.

I was chuffed with my walk this morning. I managed 20 laps of the backyard: 34 minutes, 2.6Km, 3 430 steps. I felt good.
Then after about 45 minutes started to feel cold but just kept listening to podcasts. Had lunch then started to feel a bit "achy" especially my back and fingers. In more normal times I'd think a cold was coming on and in all likelihood this is the most probable diagnosis. By this evening I started to get the shivers and my temperature was marginally elevated at 36.8°C.
Took two Paracetamol tablets and 60 minutes later felt slightly better.
Will have an early night and see if the Covids are still kicking around tomorrow morning.

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